Gabe and my Dad came out on Father'd day to the Stillwater Crit to support the cowgirls. This Crit had a Massive climb that averaged 18%... and topped out at 22% at one point in the climb. Thanks to my Pa for some good photos!
Cari and Clare looked pretty good considering they both like climbing as much as Clare likes eating the skin on peaches... The girls did well on a tough course-- with no surprise, Kristin Armstrong rode away from the uber strong field that was assembled at Nature Valley this year. I am pretty sure she finished every race except for the Minneapolis Crit alone, at the front... uncontested. Fascinating.
Here is a true PF (pain face). He looked like this EVERY time up that climb. Ouch. He is probably still sleeping today...
Last but not least... I'm in Platteville, WI right now hanging out at Badger Brothers. If y'all didn't know you can actually get beans w/ our pictures on it. Today when I walked in, I saw a little display with the "revolution blend-- Team America's Dairyland" Coffee!!!
You can order your own Revolution Blend HERE!!!
Just wait for more news from The motherland.
~~ until then~~
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