Friday, April 11, 2008

Photoshoot Shenanigans + wisconsin extras...

Last weekend, the cowgirls headed to Wisconsin for their annual team photoshoot for the Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board! We had a most excellent weekend at Rebecca's farm in rural Wisco-- 'going home' for me (even thought I still manage to get lost on rural roads in central Wisconsin), and it was Leda and Clare's FIRST time in Wisconsin! (they did confess to me that Wisconsin is far superior to all states in the universe... not really).
I am sure y'all want a photo tour of our weekend. It all began on Thursday when we left DIA and landed in Milwaukee. Missy and Cari were our drivers for the weekend and Cari WAS EXTREMEMLY dissapointed that they had no yellow SUV's to rent. (I think she'll get over it though). Arrived at Becx's Sunny Hill Farm and met the Gabby, the Pup, and all of the other animals.

Leda liked the pupps and also lounging with them! I think she really wanted

to just curl up and fall asleep here!

Becx had us to help out too! Betsy and Missy had a TRUE farm experience. They opted to help Becx do some shoveling. They look tired in this photo! BUT, I'm sure that they won't have to do their back exercises or curls after shoveling. :)

Much of our time at the farm was spent preparing meals! We like to eat, a lot. And we definately ate some excellent food... including some veggie bean burgers AND AUTHENTIC, PABST-BOILED, SAUERKARUT-LADEN BRATS! Yum. You'll see that Betsy is an excellent onion cutter, she isn't even crying! Special note: Betsy has owned her gorilla t-shirt since the sixth grade!!!

In this photo of Cari and Missy... You'll notice that Missy is happy, Cari is not (cari's new fav photo shot). You'll also notice that Missy is enjoying a brat, Cari isn't. See, you all should realize that eating authentic, pabst-boiled, sauerkarut-laden brats just makes you happy. Yum.

PS... I didn't have access to any chillin' at the farm photos of Becx OR Clare... just know they were there and are awesome!

Time for photoshoot photos....

Time for make up. Missy is getting dolled up here. Nice! Since she wears make-up ALL the time AND gets her Nails done ALL the time, she was our makeup vetran. Look how happy she is to get powder... except I think the only real powder she has been experiencing in the past couple years or so is white and fluffy and accumulates to make a nice blanket to ski on!

This is what happens if you end up taking a photo of a photoshoot. Your flash will set off all of the other flashes in the entire set. My personal words of avice... don't take photos of a photoshoot... OR simply... turn off the flash.

Cari was thrilled to find an entire plate of cheese curds that she could enjoy.... check out the photo... cheese curds and coffee. Yum.

There was an actual cow mascot. I don't know what to say about this photo. I am wearing the cow's glasses... and that cow has a huge head.

Cari has the actual cow suit on... and she and clare are flashing some sort of cow sign... unfortunately we had to leave the mascot suit at the studio. We were thinking our Team Mom (Greg) could wear it to give us handups. There's no missinga big cow holding a waterbottle on the side of the road.

Marcie and Anna! Posing for the camera. Nice! Where's Sabrina!?? :)

What a great weekend! Watch for more photos!

1 comment:

cowgirl said...

Oh, there was pictures of Clare but ones we can't publicize. We have young ones on the team and don't need to corrupt! But, where were all the pictures of Becx? I think she is too busy-body to pose for pictures!